How To Clone Yourself, Or Come Up With An Alternative Solution

Have you ever wished that you could clone yourself to come up with a carbon copy, an identical version of you?  If you’re an entrepreneur or operate a small business of some kind, the answer to that question is a “resounding” yes. We have all been in that position and simply wish that we could “count on” somebody who could do all the work without any complications or problems. You’re not alone in imagining that your services are irreplaceable and that you are indispensable when it comes to not only the overall direction of the business but the day-to-day activities as well. But notice the key word there – imagining – you’re just being unrealistic and will need to make changes if your business is to succeed.

No one likes to hear that he’s doing something wrong, especially if they happen to be rather pleased with their position. You may be very happy with your efforts over the past few years and think that you have come through the global economic downturn relatively well. Your business is turning over nicely, and money is coming in, but you are still working more than 12 hour days, at least six days per week. How can you be doing something wrong you may say?

Two heads may well be better than one in this situation. Unless you are also a mad scientist of some kind, you have no way of cloning yourself, so you have to work out how to share this workload. There may be certain tasks that you and you alone need to focus on, and that’s all very well. However, there are many tasks that other people are quite capable of taking on for you, so long as you provide the initial guidance, training and resources.

How is your spouse reacting these days? Is he or she happy when you take a mountain of paperwork home each night or devote your Sunday afternoon to accounting and other mundane work? Even though you may think you are providing for your family by working this hard and are doing “everything that you have to,” ultimately your lifestyle is suffering, and in terms of family cohesion you may be driving a wedge, without knowing it.

The entrepreneur who does not outsource is probably destined for failure, in the long run. You are good at a specific job and should be focusing on business expansion and growth, not maintenance.

Great idea these days is to outsource your admin tasks the same way you outsource your bookkeeping. Consider using a virtual assistant that is particularly good at business maintenance, and with the proper amount of upfront guidance and direction from you will be able to take a lot of heat away from your working day.

You will be surprised when you see that everything is ticking over nicely after having outsourced a sizeable portion of the daily grind. You will be able to focus on more important things like not only business expansion but also home life, your social interactions, your golf swing and so on!